Peggy Drexler (VERY Liberal Feminist)

"In our society, often we idealize and elevate the role of father in a boy's life without giving credence to the fact that actual fathers can be destructive and a boy may be better off without his father. Sometimes a father can be an aggressor who berates the mother, is hypercritical of his children, or...is simply not a good model."

Democrat Controlled 9th Circuit Court of Appeals

"There is no fundamental rightof parents to be the exclusive provider of information regarding sexual matters to their children. Parents have no due processor privacy right to override the determinations of public schools as to the information to which their children will be exposed while enrolled as students."

ForesakeTheTroops.com (Defunct Liberal-Democrat Website)

"This website is proudly dedicated to the notion that our nation's military is grossly overcompensated, at the expense of the American taxpayers. Even as the evil, overspending Pentagon seeks to raise benefits for these scumbags, Forsake The Troops believes that these pukes get pay and benefits tax-free when in a combat zone [and should not]. Our problem is this: the military is a lifestyle these morons chose. What idiot risks their life for a country? It's what they chose. Forsake our Troops! They must think that if they go to war, they don't need to pay taxes just like the rest of us. Let 'em die in combat -- we don't need their ilk!"

UPDATE: Thankfully, this website was bought by "USAF Forums at www.3C0X1.net & UV3.net webhosting." It is now defunct.

Mahdi Bray (Muslim American Society Freedom Foundation)

"It's a shame that as an African-American and a Muslim I have the double whammy of having to worry about driving while Black and flying while Muslim."

Bill Maher

“When you look at beliefs in such things as, do you go to heaven, is there a devil, we have more in common with Turkey and Iran and Syria than we do with European nations and Canada and nations that, yes, I would consider more enlightened than us."

Nancy Pelosi (Not Very Good at Math)

“Five years after 9/11 and Osama bin Laden is still free and not a single terrorist who planned 9/11 has been caught and brought to justice.”


John Hockenberry (NBC)

“Tonight, we’re going to show you a new true face of homelessness in America. Today’s homeless are families, and the families you will meet have done everything right and yet there’s no place for them. Still, they struggle to find a home....There are more families homeless in New York City now than at any in the last 20 years....in numbers, it’s estimated, not seen since the Great Depression.”

Peter Jennings

“This week we were surprised to see several hundred artists and writers walking through the streets of Baghdad to say thank you to Saddam Hussein. He had just increased their monthly financial support. Cynical, you could argue at this particular time, but the state has always supported the arts, and some of the most creative people in the Arab world have always been Iraqis. And whatever they think about Saddam Hussein in the privacy of their homes, on this occasion they were praising his defense of the homeland in the face of American threats.”

Barbara Walters (To Hillary Clinton!)

“You became First Lady like no other First Lady before you. You had your own interests, you got involved in public policy. No First Lady had done that without being severely criticized. Did you realize what you were getting into? I don’t think people realize how strong your faith is.”

Jonathan Alter (Newsweek)

“When the word gets out that Dean isn’t liberal – and in fact is quite conservative – on fiscal issues, he’ll pick up more McCain support....On fiscal issues, he’s far to the right of [Ted] Kennedy.”

Ken Bode (Former CNN Guy)

“The rap on Dean is that he’s like Dukakis and Mondale and McGovern. Well, McGovern was a liberal, but we had an issue and that was the war. Dukakis was no liberal and neither was Mondale. Both of them had several people to the left in those primaries. It was what the Republicans did to them once they got the nomination that made them seem to be liberals in both cases.”


Lester Holt (On the Today Show)

“Coming up in our next half-hour, is your SUV a weapon of mass destruction?”

Jonathan Reynolds (New York Times Magazine)

“If you see a whole monkfish at the market, you’ll find its massive mouth scarier than a shark’s. Apparently it sits on the bottom of the ocean, opens its Godzilla jaws and waits for poor unsuspecting fishies to swim right into it, not unlike the latest recipients of W’s capital-gains cuts.”

Aaron Brown (Former CNN Toad)

“Once upon a time, a scientist named Galileo said the Earth was round, and the political leaders of the time said, ‘No, no, Galileo it’s flat,’ and Galileo got life under house arrest for his little theory. Today, the vast majority of scientists will tell you the Earth is getting warmer and most would agree that industry is at least in part to blame. So far nobody’s gone to jail for saying that, which doesn’t mean the idea isn’t squarely at the center of a political dust up – and not an insignificant one at that because, if the charges leveled against the White House are true, an important environmental question is being twisted or ignored for the sake of politics.”

David Chen (New York Times, Comparing our Military to Al-Qaeda)

“To many New Yorkers, the scenes of a city under siege were achingly familiar. New Yorkers watching the televised bombing of Baghdad yesterday said they were riveted by the raw and uninterrupted display of American military might. But for some, the bombing brought back particularly visceral and chilling memories. They could not help thinking about Sept. 11, and how New York, too, was once under assault from the skies.”

Charles Pierce (Boston Globe)

“If she had lived, Mary Jo Kopechne would be 62 years old. Through his tireless work as a legislator, Edward Kennedy would have brought comfort to her in her old age.”


Joel Stein (Time Magazine)

“I leave my friends behind and rush the stage to try to dance with [former Attorney General Janet] Reno, only to find myself in a small crowd of men living the same fantasy."

Candy Crowley (CNN, One of the Few Women Who Actually Looks Worse Than Ted Kennedy)

“He [Ted Kennedy] is the last of the liberal lions, roaring on behalf of the voiceless....The 30-year-old with nothing but a name to run on turned 70 as one of the premier legislators of the 20th century."

Brian Williams (NBC News)

“Is it fair to call him [Jimmy Carter] the best former President in, at minimum, modern American history, and perhaps, well, I guess, the last 200 years?”

Barbara Walters (Senility Rate is 96)

“For Castro, freedom starts with education. And if literacy alone were the yardstick, Cuba would rank as one of the freest nations on Earth. The literacy rate is 96 percent.”

Michael Moore

"They [Americans] are possibly the dumbest people on the planet ... in thrall to conniving, thieving, smug pricks,"